Friday, January 25, 2008

"I Understand There is Also a Cannon."

According to this story fromReuter's, a British farmer built a castle on his land and then--to avoid zoning or planning regulations--hid the entire thing behind hay bales.

I wish I had a picture of the home.

Heck. I wish I had the home.

The spokeswoman for the Reigate and Banstead Borough Council describes the home as looking "like a mock-Tudor house from the front" and adding "it's got two turrets at the back." In addition, there is "an associated conservatory, marquee structure, wooden bridge, patio, decking and tarmac racecourse."

All of this hidden behind bales of hay?

That's a heck of a lot of hay!

Apparently no one noticed their comings and goings, let alone the construction? Again from the spokeswoman: "I think the neighbors thought there might be something going on but it is difficult to tell, isn't it?"

Ya think?!?

I don't want THESE neighbors in my neighborhood watch, I'll tell you that much. ["Honey? Did the Montanas buy a moving van recently? I saw one parked at their place last week while they were on vacation."]

Oh, and my favorite line of the story? The spokeswoman said, "I understand there is also a cannon."

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