Wednesday, July 10, 2019


Hot on the heels of my first post in [ahem] years, I decided to search out a Wordcloud generator, just to see what it would look like for this blog. There were some interesting results. Click on the image and tell me what you think.

Four Types, Revisited

Wow. I did not realize how much time had passed since I last posted. My apologies. Hopefully someone is still out there.

Of all reasons to post, I come to you with an update to a previous post. A few years back, I posited that there were four types of people in the world, based on the way they installed (or did not install) replacement toilet paper rolls. (That post can be found here.)

A friend of mine brought the following meme to my attention today, which sparked a desire...even a update my prior post.
So there you have it. The "over and down" is the officially-sanctioned method of installation. End of story.

Comments are, of course, welcome.